Geotechnical Engineering of Dams

Geotechnical Engineering of Dams provides a comprehensive text on the geotechnical and geological aspects of the investigations for and the design and construction of new dams. In addition, much attention is paid to the review and assessment of existing dams. The main emphasis of this work is on embankment dams, but much of the text, particularly t

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Introduction Key geological issues Geotechnical questions associated with various geological environments Planning conducting and reporting of geotechnical investigations Site investigation techniques Shear strength compressibility and permeability of embankment materials and soil foundations Clay mineralogy soil properties and dispersive soils Embankment dams their zoning and selection Embankment dam details Specification and quality control of earthfill and rockfill Concrete face rockfill dams Concrete gravity dams and their foundations Foundation grouting Mine and industrial dams Monitoring and surveillance of embankment dams Design specification and construction of filters Control of seepage internal erosion and piping for embankment dams Analysis of stability and deformations Design of embankment dams to withstand earthquakes Back Cover

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Geotechnical Engineering of Dams
Robin Fell
Недоступно для просмотра - 2005

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Об авторе (2005)

Robin Fell is Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of New South Wales and also works as a consultant. He has 38 years of experience in geotechnical engineering of dams, landslides and civil and mining projects in Australia and Asia. He has worked on over 100 dams worldwide and has been involved in all aspects of planning, site investigation, design and construction of embankment dams.

Patrick MacGregor is a Consulting Engineering Geologist with more than 40 years experience in the assessment of geological constraints for major civil engineering projects in a number of countries. He has been involved in dam investigation, design and construction, and particularly worked on hydroelectric developments at all stages from inception to operation.

David Stapledon spent many years on the investigation of large dam construction sites in various countries. He was a Professor of Engineering Geology at the University of South Australia (1964 -1993) and worked as a Consultant in Engineering Geology, contributing to major dam projects in Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. He has 51 years of experience and was awarded the John Jaeger Memorial Medal for Contributions to Geomechanics in 1995.

Graeme Bell has been a Consulting Dam Engineer since 1962. His role has varied from providing the full technical input, design management and construction advice for new dams to the preparation of complex structural analyses of existing dams. From 1979, he has acted as an independent reviewer on many dam projects, mainly in Australia, but also on several overseas locations.

Библиографические данные

Название Geotechnical Engineering of Dams
Автор Robin Fell
Издатель CRC Press, 2005
ISBN 0415889324, 9780415889322
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 930
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