The Karnataka government has launched various schemes for the welfare of economically and socially backward class people. One of them is the Rajiv Gandhi Housing Scheme. RGRHCL (Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Limited) initiated this scheme to provide pucca houses to people living in Karnataka below the poverty line (BPL) and those in the SC/ST/OBC categories. Also called the Ashraya Yojana or the Basava Vasati Yojana, the Karnataka state government manages this scheme with the central government to provide pucca homes to homeless people at discounted market rates. For those who plan to purchase or build a pucca house under the Basava Vasati Yojana, here is everything they need to know about the scheme and learn about the RGRHCL scheme application process.
The Ashraya Yojana Karnataka aims to help homeless people build quality pucca homes at affordable rates. The Karnataka government created the RGRHCL to construct affordable homes in different parts of the state. During Budget 2020-21, the then Chief Minister of Karnataka allocated a budget of Rs 2500 Crore for constructing 2 lakh houses in the state.
The scheme caters to Under privileged in the state, regardless of their rural or urban location. The primary objective is to provide shelter to the eligible beneficiaries, especially the economically weaker sections of society. Under this scheme, the underprivileged people of Karnataka can afford a quality house. If they own land, the government provides funds for acquiring construction materials to build a pucca house. Eventually, the scheme intends to enhance people's living standards in the state.
To apply for the Ashraya Yojana Karnataka, one must fulfil the following conditions prescribed by the Karnataka government:
The Rajiv Gandhi Housing Scheme provides kutcha houses or land owners up to 85% of the raw material required to construct a pucca house. Consequently, the scheme ensures an improvement in their standard of living while adhering to the nation’s sustainability goals.
Applicants can apply for the Ashraya Yojana Karnataka scheme by following this step-by-step procedure:
The Gram Panchayat authority finalises the list of beneficiaries for the Rajiv Gandhi Housing Scheme and makes it available for viewing online. The Block Development Officer selects beneficiaries on the ground level through a lottery. After identifying the beneficiaries, the BDO visits the applicant’s address, submits Form 17, and forwards it to the executive officer. The final list of beneficiaries is accessible at the local block development office.
Scheme applicants can follow these steps to check their RGRHCL status:
To check information about the grant release after application, visit the portal once again, look for “Subsidy Fund Release” details based on the applicant’s location, select the year and week of application, and enter the reference number. Click 'Submit', and the details will instantly appear on the screen.
There are no charges to apply for the Ashraya Yojana scheme. Since the scheme is specifically meant for economically weak sections of society, there are no charges to increase their financial burden. The application process simply requires visiting the RGRHCL website, filling in the required details, and submitting the necessary documents online.
Permanent residents of Karnataka with an annual household income not exceeding Rs 32,000 are eligible to apply for the RGRHCL project benefits. Moreover, they should not own another pucca house anywhere in India, and they should have land or a kutcha house where they can construct a pucca house.
With an allocation of Rs 2500 Crore for constructing 2 Lakh houses in Karnataka, the Ashraya Yojana provides up to 85% of the construction material required for the construction free of cost.
While the Ashraya Yojana Karnataka covers home construction in both rural and urban areas, the Karnataka government manages several other schemes specifically meant for rural areas. These include the Devaraj Urs Housing Scheme, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural), and B R Ambedkar Housing Scheme.
myScheme, available at, is a national platform that offers a one-stop solution to look for various government schemes. It is a technology-based, innovative platform that lets discover scheme-related information according to the citizen’s eligibility and requirements.
One may apply for a free house in Karnataka under the Karnataka CM 1 Lakh Housing Scheme. To apply, visit the RGRHCL portal, search for Nannamane in Karnataka, and find shelter and assistance for homeless people in the state.