BOG Fee Waiver

The California Community College Board of Governors Fee Waiver

Mt. SAC students, like all California community college students, are eligible for the California Community College Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGW). The BOGW waives the enrollment fee and provides a reduced cost for health and parking fees for qualified California students. About three-fourths of our students benefit from this program.

Before you apply for the BOGW

How to apply for BOGW

Note: Your BOG Fee Waiver application will be processed within 2 business days after being received by the Financial Aid Office.

Qualifying for the BOGW

There are three ways a student may qualify for the BOGW. The items listed below are checked and verified through your FAFSA, CA Dream Act, or BOGW application.

  1. A student is currently a recipient of funds from TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SSI (Supplemental Security Income), or GA/GR (General Assistance/General Relief), or, if the student is a dependent, such funds are the sole source of income for the family. Students must provide a current copy of their check or an Untaxed Income Verification form .
  2. Household size and annual family income: The application may ask students to provide documentation of income, such as a copy of their Federal Income Tax Return. Students are required to provide documentation if it is requested.
  3. A student has applied for other state and/or federal aid and has demonstrated $1,104 or more of financial need by completing the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application. This is how most students qualify for the BOGW, as most students that do not qualify for a fee waiver based on items 1 or 2. We highly recommend all students to submit a FAFSA or California Dream Act application as this is the most likely way to qualify for the BOGW.

NOTE: Since verification of eligibility may involve contact with other agencies, parental signature, or other documents, your application may not be completed on the same day it is submitted. However, our turn around time is usually within 48 hours.

Maintaining Eligibility for BOGW

Once you’ve qualified for the BOG Fee Waiver, it’s important to ensure that you’re meeting the academic and progress standards in order to avoid losing the fee waiver.

Academic — Sustain a GPA of 2.0 or higher

If your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters), you may lose your fee waiver eligibility.

Progress — Complete more than 50% of your coursework

If the cumulative number of units you complete is not more than 50% in two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters), you may lose your fee waiver eligibility.

Combination of Academic and Progress Standards

Any combination of two consecutive terms of cumulative GPA below 2.0, and/or cumulative unit completion of not more than 50% may result in loss of fee waiver eligibility.