Download Instruction manual of Woodie's Pro-Cut Plus PCP33MT Power Tool for Free or View it Online on
■ Never tr ansport the articulate d hedge trimmer of set it down with the engine runni ng. An engine that’ s
running co uld be acc i dently accelerated causin g the blades to osc illate.■ Make sur e the b lade co ver is in pla ce when t rans porting and storing t he articu lated he dge trimmer .
■ When car rying a n articulat ing hedge attac hment must be in the trans port position.■ Always maint ain the art iculated h edge tri mmer accord i ng to this owner’s manual and follow the
recomme nded sche duled maintenan ce. ■ Never modify or disable any of the hedge tr immer ’ s safety devices. ■ Always use genui ne p art s and accessorie s when r epairing or m ainta i ning thi s machine. ■ Do not m ake unauth orized modificat ions to the arti culated he dge trimmer .■ When transportin g the hedge trimmer in a vehicle, tie it down securely to prevent fuel spillage or
damage t o the mach i ne. Always cl ear your work ar ea of tras h or hidden debris to help e nsure good f ooting. ■ Keep the cutters s harp and properly adjusted.■ Keep the articulated hedge trimmer as cl ean as possi ble. Kee p it free of loo se veget ation, mud, debris,
Adjusting the A rticul ated Hedge T rimmer Cu tter A ssembly ● The cutter bla des are very sh arp. Do not gras p the blades wi th y our hands. Do not br ush the blades agai nst y our body . Never ru n the engine or op erate the articulati ng hedge tri mmer when the cutter assem bly is in the stor age/trans port positi on.Put the hedge trimm er on a flat, level surface with the engine resting on the fuel tan k guard. Make sure
the hedge trimmer bl ade cover is in place .1. W i th y our right hand, gr asp the ha ndle, lo cated immediate ly aft of th e hand guar d. W ith your left
hand, grip the adjust m ent lev er on the cutter asse mbly .T he inde x finger of y our le ft hand, pre ss the latch release. W ith y our le ft th umb, press the latch lock .
3. While holding the latch lock down, pivot the cutt er assembly using the adjustment lever until it is
straight wit h the o uter tube .4. Release the latch lock and the latch release. Make sure the latch lock and the latch release return