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Chicago residential landlord-tenant ordinance or RLTO Print this to take with you Share this page to social media channels QUICK EXIT

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The Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance (RLTO) is a local law that affects landlords and renters.

The RLTO applies to most apartment buildings in Chicago. It doesn't apply if the building has 6 or fewer units and the landlord lives there. Even if your unit is not covered by RLTO, you still have rights under Illinois law.

Some of the landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities under the Chicago RLTO are:

Landlords in Chicago must give their tenants a written summary of the RLTO. A printable version can be found on the City of Chicago website. If your landlord fails to provide a summary of RLTO, you have the right to terminate the lease upon notice. The notice must specify the date of termination, which must be at least 30 days after the date of the notice.